
I like to keep my website on close to me infrastructure, so all my sites tend to run on old servers with shitty internet connections, and less than stable energy providers. So the result from that it's that things can be messy at the moment of maintaining the hardware and systems that runs my web.

Photo by Jose Antonio Gallego Vázquez / Unsplash

Ok, the thing is that I'm an idiot. Let me put things in perspective.

I like to keep my website on close to me infrastructure, so all my sites tend to run on old servers with shitty internet connections, and less than stable energy providers. So the result from that it's that things can be messy at the moment of maintaining the hardware and systems that runs my web.

About a week ago, a power pike fried some of the hardware that ran my old site, so I'm currently not able to access the VM that ran the site. So I had to rebuild the site from scratch on a new VM.

Nope, I didn't had a backup of the VM. Yes, I work on infra. Yes, I'm an idiot.

But I think this was not so bad after all, since I've improved a couple of things that I wanted to work on the old server that were less than ideal in the way I built some services that I use on a daily basis.

So here we go again. Sorry for the inconvenience and I hope you have all a good day ;D